Welcome to Emulation 67 web-site, we hope you find the information contained it its pages of interest.
The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members of Emulation No. 67, wish you all, Fraternal Greetings.
We meet on the first Friday in September, which is our Installation meeting, November, December, February, March, april, may and June. These meetings generally start at 8.30pm are followed by a Festive Board, at which only Brethren dine.
Lodges of Instruction are also held on Tuesday afternoons during September, October, November, January, February, March and April. Any Brother is most welcome to attend and full details can be obtained from the Secretary.
Although Emulation No. 67, is a small Lodge, a warm welcome awaits all visitors.
Good day and best wishes to all. I have just come across a message from the W. Master and this lead me to the new web site. Alex has done an excellent job on putting this together – well done Bro. Hope to be able to attend a meeting in the not too distant future but it looks doubtful for the moment. Un TAF to one and all, Howard