Becoming a Mason
ARE YOU THINKING OF BECOMING A FREEMASON? Please click on the thumbnail below to view our booklet – you can turn the pages by moving your cursor to the left Continue Reading
the only English-speaking Lodge in Madrid
ARE YOU THINKING OF BECOMING A FREEMASON? Please click on the thumbnail below to view our booklet – you can turn the pages by moving your cursor to the left Continue Reading
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies. The following information is intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practised under the Grand Lodge of Spain, which administers Continue Reading
Welcome to Emulation 67 web-site, we hope you find the information contained it its pages of interest. The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members of Emulation No. 67, wish you all, Continue Reading
THE PREROGATIVE OF THE GRAND MASTER TO PRESIDE over every assembly of the Craft, wheresoever and whensoever held, is a fifth Landmark. It is in consequence of this law, derived Continue Reading
THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FRATERNITY, by a presiding officer called a Grand Master, who is elected from the body of the Craft, is a fourth Landmark of the Order. Many persons Continue Reading