On 24th June 1717 four Freemasons’ lodges in London came together at the Goose and Gridiron Tavern in St Paul’s churchyard, declared themselves a Grand Lodge and elected Anthony Sayer as their Grand Master. This was the first Freemasons’ Grand Lodge in the world.
In 2017, three hundred years after the formation of the first Grand Lodge, Freemasons will be celebrating its tercentenary.
At Emulation 67 Lodge we are very proud of our twinng with St Barnabas 3771 Lodge under the UGLE. In 2016 St Barnabas celebrated it’s 100th aniversary, and we where proud to be there with our English brethren.
Now the United Grand Lodge of England is celebrating it’s 300th anniversary and we will allso be traveling to London for some of the celebration.
It’s 300 years since four London Lodges met to establish the world’s first Grand Lodge for freemasons. Today there are over 6.5 million freemasons worldwide.
2017 is a special year for UGLE as it traces its roots to this historic meeting. Celebrations range from giving a film crew unique access to the people and traditions behind Freemasonry to a year-long programme packed with events. Car rallies, church services, fund-raisers and family fun days – there is something for everyone. Check out what’s on near you on http://www.ugle2017.org.uk
The high point comes in October with a celebration of Freemasonry at the Royal Albert Hall followed by a dinner in Battersea Park. We expect to welcome 4,500 guests.