Masters’ Message Installation 2014
Last meeting I was given the great honour of being installed as the Master of Emulation 67 Lodge for the next twelve months. I would like to follow the great Continue Reading
the only English-speaking Lodge in Madrid
Last meeting I was given the great honour of being installed as the Master of Emulation 67 Lodge for the next twelve months. I would like to follow the great Continue Reading
On august 8-9-10 6014 in Cuenca we attended the first Masonic Motorcycle rally held in Spain.
A Masonic calendar is based upon the date of an event or a beginning. Craft Masons and different appendant bodies within Freemasonry utilize different Masonic calendars to celebrate an historical Continue Reading
Every Master Mason understands that a summons is a command to attend the Communication of the lodge for which the summons is issued, or the occasion – funeral, trial, cornerstone Continue Reading